Rosy Karna
Rosy Karna received both her B.S in Biological Sciences, and M.S. in Biological Sciences from Stanford University, California. She is a fifth-year Clinical Psychology doctoral candidate at the PGSP-Stanford Psy.D. Consortium Program, currently pursuing her clinical internship at the Massachusetts Mental Health Center/Beth Israel Deaconess/Harvard Medical School.
Rosy's clinical interest is to specialize in early intervention and prevention of severe mental illness across the entire lifespan, and in multicultural psychology. In regard to research, she is broadly interested in exploring the relationship between sleep physiology and cognitive performance in different clinical pathologies.
B.S. in Biology | Stanford University
M.S. in Biology | Stanford University
M.S. in Clinical Psychology PGSP-Stanford Psy.D. Consortium | Palo Alto University
Doctoral Candidate in Clinical Psychology PGSP-Stanford Psy.D. Consortium | Palo Alto University
Chick, C. F., Singh, A., Anker, L. A., Buck, C., Kawai, M., Gould, C., Cotto, I., Schneider, L., Linkovski, O., Karna, R., Pirog, S., Parker-Fong, K., Nolan, C. R., Shinksy, D. N., Hiteshi, P. N., Levya, O., Flores, B., Matlow, R., Bradley, T., Jordon, J., Carrion, V., & O’Hara, R. (2021). A school-based health and mindfulness curriculum improves children’s objectively measured sleep: A prospective observational cohort study. Journal of Sleep Medicine: JCSM: Official Publication of the American Academy of Sleep Medicine. DOI: 10.5664/jcsm.9508. PMID: 34170222.
Kawai, M., Schneider, L., Linkovski, O., Jordan, J.T., Karna, R., Pirog, S., Cotto, I., Giardino, W.J., & O’Hara, R. (2021). High-resolution spectral sleep analysis reveals a novel association between slow oscillations and memory retention in elderly adults. Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience, 12:540424. DOI: 10.3389/fnagi.2020.540424. PMID: 33505299.
Schneider, L., Karna, R., Kawai, M., & Parker-Fong, K. (2020). Sleep disorders and aging. In Editor N. Hantke, R. O’Hara, & Amit, E. (Ed.). Handbook of mental health and aging (3rd edition, pp 211-222). Cambridge, Massachusetts: Elsevier. DOI: hptts://
Jordan, J.T., Chick, C.F., Rolle, C.E., Hantke, N., Gould, C.E., Lutz, J., Kawai, M., Cotto, I., Karna, R., Pirog, S., Berk, M., Sudheimer, K., & O’Hara, R. (2020). Neurocognitive markers of passive suicidal ideation in late life depression. International Geriatrics. 1-11. DOI: 10.1017/S1041610220003610. PMID 33118918
Gould, C.E., Karna, R., Jordan, J.T., Kawai, M., Hirst, R., Hantke, N., Pirog, S., Cotto, I., Beaudreau, S.A, & O’Hara, R. (2018). Subjective, but not objective sleep is associated with subsyndromal anxiety and depression in community-dwelling older adults. American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 26(7):806-811.
Awards & Honors
Swinerton Foundation Scholarship, PGSP-Stanford Psy.D. Consortium
PAU Star for Excellence in Clinical Work, PGSP-Stanford Psy.D. Consortium
Diversity and Merit Fellowship, PGSP-Stanford Psy.D. Consortium
Graduate Student Scholarship, Stanford University
Biology Senior Reflection Grant, Stanford University
Bio-X Undergraduate Summer Research Fellowship, Stanford University
The Asian University for Women Program Fund, Stanford University