Contact Us


330 Brookline Avenue
Boston, MA 02215

(617) 667-4702


  • The Center for Sleep and Cognition hosts a range of different studies with different eligibility requirements. Contact us today and we’ll supply screening information for all active studies to find out if you’re eligible.

  • The Center for Sleep and Cognition is a research-based institution that does not offer diagnosis or treatment of sleep difficulties. If you’re having trouble sleeping, the Society for Behavioral Sleep Medicine and University of Pennsylvania offer directories that you can visit to find a sleep provider in your area. If there are no providers in your area, we recommend contacting your primary care physician and schedule an appointment to discuss your difficulties with sleep.

  • Both public speaking engagements and individual consultations are available. Check out our Speaking & Consultations page for more details on available options. And feel free to contact us using the above form for additional information.

  • We’re happy to speak with the media. You can download our media kit, and use the above form to request a meeting with a member of our research team.

person raising hand with question