Mengge Li
Mengge Li's research primarily focuses on sleep, memory, and adolescent mental health. Her current work centers on the relationship between napping and memory consolidation, specifically examining declarative and procedural memory. She investigates the mechanisms through which napping consolidates different types of declarative and procedural memories, with a particular emphasis on key indicators such as slow waves, spindle characteristics and coupling, spectral power, and functional connectivity. Mengge Li is committed to advancing this field by exploring meaningful research questions and generating impactful insights.
During her master’s studies, Mengge Li also conducted research on adolescent mental health, gaining valuable experience in applied research. She has gained some experience in analytical techniques, including structural equation modeling and longitudinal data analysis. In the future, Mengge Li aims to pursue research at the intersection of sleep and adolescent mental health or delve deeper into the field of sleep and clinical psychology.
Doctoral candidate in Psychology|South China Normal University
Master's in Psychology|Henan University
Bachelor of Science in Applied Psychology|Henan University of Traditional Chinese Medicine
Research Interests
Sleep and Cognitive Areas
Adolescent Mental Health, Marriage and Family Upbringing
Clinical Mental Health
Awards and Honors
2024 | National Scholarship for Doctoral Students (China)
2023 |The 25th Chinese Psychological Society Academic Conference
The Relationship between Bullying and Depression: An Analysis Based on the HLM Model, Selected for the Master's and Doctoral Forum 'Future Stars' Paper Compilation
2018 | Outstanding Recent Graduates from Henan Province
2014-2017 | National Inspirational Scholarship (for three consecutive years)
Hosted Projects
2016.09–2017.05 | Social Attitude Survey on Left-Behind Adolescents: A Case Study of Three Cities in Henan Province (University Student Challenge Cup Extracurricular Academic Competition)
As the team leader, I was responsible for organizing and managing all aspects of the project. I formed and led the team, recruited an advising teacher, and under their guidance, developed a detailed research plan. My responsibilities included scheduling, delegating tasks, selecting the research topic, designing questionnaires, conducting field surveys, analyzing data, and writing the research paper. I also represented the team in departmental and university-level defense competitions. The project was successfully completed, and the final paper earned the third prize at the university level.
Selected Publications
Li, M., & Gong, H. (2022). Spare the rod, spoil the child?——Predictive effects of parental adult attachment on adolescent anxiety: The mediating role of harsh parenting. Journal of Affective Disorders, 312, 107–112.
Gong, H., Cao, Q., & Li, M*. (2023). Social memory characteristics of non-clinical college students with social anxiety. Journal of Affective Disorders. (Corresponding author)
Li, M. G., Gong, H. L., Sun, W. Y., Ma, P., Chen, Y. P., & Gao, Y. (2024). The health context paradox in the relationship between victimization, classroom bullying attitudes, and adolescent depression: An analysis based on the HLM model. Journal of Affective Disorders.
Li, M., Chen, X., Gong, H., Wang, W., Ji, W., & Liang, S. (2022). Relationship between paternal adult attachment and adolescent anxiety: The chain‐mediating effect of paternal psychological flexibility and father–adolescent attachment. International Journal of Psychology.